Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Questions about DoT's 3G/BWA Policy

The DoT memorandum regarding 3G and BWA spectrum is fairly detailed and has a lot of useful information. A careful reading reveals some interesting points. A total of 80 MHz of BWA spectrum is available in 2.3 and 2.5 GHz bands, of which 20 MHz has already been given to the state-owned operators MTNL and BSNL in their (mutually exclusive) respective areas of operation. In the 2.3 GHz band, all the circles have 2 contiguous blocks of 20 MHz each but their location within this band is not the same across all circles. In the 2.5 GHz band, most circles again have 2 contiguous blocks of 20 MHz each but in 3 circles (Maharashtra, Gujarat and AP), paired spectrum is being offered in the form of two 10 MHz blocks with 100 MHz separation between them. What's even more interesting that the same 20 MHz contiguous block (2535-2555 MHz) that is being offered for BWA in most circles is split into two 10 MHz bands (2535-2545 MHz and 2545-2645 MHz) and paired with 10 MHz blocks in the 2645-2655 MHz range in the three circles mentioned above.

This clearly has implications for both impending deployments as well as any
future auctions in the 2.5 GHz band. In particular, BSNL wants to use the paired 2x10 MHz spectrum in FDD mode. It means that another operator who gets BWA spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band in any Gujarat/Maharashtra/AP will either have to use FDD as well or risk a high degree of interference in case it uses the spectrum in TDD mode. Quite expectedly, objections are already being raised.

Another cause for confusion is the policy regarding new 3G operators. DoT is allowing entities that currently do not have a UAS license to bid for 3G spectrum and the license will be awarded to them, in case they are successful in the auction. In the past, UAS licensees have been considered automatically entitled to 4.4 Mhz of GSM spectrum (or 2.5 MHz of CDMA spectrum). It's not clear whether the same rule will be followed in this case. TRAI has asked for more clarity regarding this.

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